Open Moves

What-if retreat
We find ourselves in an ever-changing, fast-moving world where anything can (and does) happen. Our ambition is to positively change the world, one move at a time. Our first move is to create scenarios that depict potential future worlds.
If you share our ambition, join us on a journey to explore as-if worlds and work with us to generate a range of challenging and plausible future scenarios. Our what-if retreat is an opportunity to work with a diverse group of people to explore the past, present and future from multiple perspectives.
You’ll experience first-hand the power of scenarios and the various tools and techniques used in their development.
Please register your interest to receive details of our next available What-if retreat:

Wicked tribes
In our ambition to positively change the world one move at a time we have identified some wicked problems that demand our attention. Our open wicked tribes give you the opportunity to work with us to explore realities and to innovate through design methodologies. Groups are purposefully diverse and will force you to step outside of any echo chamber you may be unconsciously subject to.
Available wicked tribes:
Wicked pride: it seems to take forever to move the dial; how can we drive greater inclusivity and equality across society?
Wicked money: have as-is economic models failed? What can we learn from them and what follows in the footsteps of communism and capitalism?
Wicked tech: our scenario work predicts a rise in technology; how can we ensure people are ready and able to engage in the future social structure?
We are aiming to launch our open wicked tribes very soon – please register your interest here and join our movement to positively change the world one move at a time.

Quantum for leaders
Quantum is aimed at senior leaders and those approaching senior leadership positions who would like to learn immerse themselves in the tools and techniques of the 4 moves. The experience challenges mindsets, deepens understanding, expands networks, and generates the confidence and capability to learn effectively from successes, failures and the journey.
Positively change your world one move at a time.
Please register your interest to receive details of our next available Quantum Retreat:

Fusion for leadership teams
Fusion is a programme designed for leadership teams navigating change, disruption or accelerated growth. Over a period of 6 months the team regularly come together to experience critical elements of the 4 moves and to make tangible progress on wicked problems particular to their organisation. The experience extends thinking, generates alignment, amplifies culture and creates tangible and visible impact.
Positively change your world one move at a time.
If your leadership team is in need of reconnection and invigoration register your interest here